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Presentation of the report: Marketing Technology 2019

  • SWEDMA 62 Kungsgatan Stockholm, Stockholms län, 111 22 Sweden (map)

CMO goes TECH together with Odyssey, Wiraya and SWEDMA have produced the report as representatives of different parts of a growing martech community.

Marketing Technology, or Martech, has grown strongly in recent years and marketers are given completely new opportunities for digital, automated and data-driven communication and sales. But it also poses many challenges to get full effect.

We are now ready to present this year's Martech report, where marketing managers have given their views on challenges, priorities, learnings and how the investments developed their customer interactions. Some key factors for success are get the management onboard and changing the way you work. How can you make it possible and how do the companies succeed?

Welcome to a rewarding breakfast seminar on Martech Report 2019!

Check out the program via the link below and we are glad to offer five free tickets for CMO goes TECH members. Please write CMO goes TECH in the comment field (kostval) when signing up.