
Survey - MARTECH Europe 2018

Dear Members!

Participate in the survey MARTECH Europe 2018 and get the report!

To the survey: What's the level of maturity of marketing technology (Martech) in Europe? Let's find out together. As a leading CMO/CDO or similar we hope you can spare a few minutes and participate in this study. By participating - you will receive the report, but more importantly, you will together with marketing leaders across Europe get the opportunity to improve your martech strategy.

Your answer is of great value to us. Thanks for participating!

Cecilia & Gül


This study is a collaboration between CMO goes TECH, Wiraya, Odessey, SWEDMA and DMA UK. All representing different parts of the growing martech community! #martech #martechineurope #martechsurvey2018 #survey #cmogoestech
