
Summary of the 5th Meet up focusing on Story doing vs Storytelling - February 13.


Thanks for a fantastic evening with new perspectives as well as great discussions. We’ve summarized some of the learnings that you’ve chosen to highlight from our fantastic presenters, Stefan Moritz, VP Customer Experience Veryday and Margaretha Finnstedt, Global Director of PR & Brand Innovation, Husqvarna.

1.     Products that efficiently meet customer needs will outperform products with great marketing. Create positive CX by focusing on what brings real value to customers.
2.     Don’t forget to be future proof. When all companies are digitized and CX optimized – what will then differentiate
3.     “Happy employees” is the new black! Put focus on creating Happy employees -> to get Happy customers -> and a Happy business
4.     To use goals from the SDG 2030 in the innovation strategy process, just like Husqvarna Group do, is brilliant
5.     Even though most companies claim a strong innovation focus, the actual innovation work takes place at the night shift, outside the regular day job.
6.     Innovate in line with the business strategy, a clear brand story and be unexpected. You need brave management, trust from colleagues and a plan for distribution, marketing and rollout. Share results and repeat.

View the presentation from Stefan Moritz
View the presentation from Margaretha Finnstedt

We also want to send a big thank you to Anders Ribba and Spoon Agency for inviting us and for the fantastic hospitality.

Finally dear members, We're looking forward continue the journey with you - because we strongly believe in the death of the traditional CMO and that a new breed is emerging - CMO goes Tech. Hope to see you at the next meetup, in May!

The Martech 2019 Report is here!


A large number of marketing managers have given their views on challenges, priorities, learnings and how the investments developed their customer interactions. CMO goes TECH are so proud to present this report, that has been produced in collaboration with SWEDMA, Wiraya and Odyssey. Some key factors for success are get the management onboard and changing the way you work. How can you make it possible and how do the companies succeed? And with last year’s introduction of GDPR, we’ve of course put some special focus on this area.

The highlights from the report will be presented at the upcoming meetup - but send us a hello a we’ll send you a copy :).

Survey - MARTECH Europe 2018

Dear Members!

Participate in the survey MARTECH Europe 2018 and get the report!

To the survey: What's the level of maturity of marketing technology (Martech) in Europe? Let's find out together. As a leading CMO/CDO or similar we hope you can spare a few minutes and participate in this study. By participating - you will receive the report, but more importantly, you will together with marketing leaders across Europe get the opportunity to improve your martech strategy.

Your answer is of great value to us. Thanks for participating!

Cecilia & Gül


This study is a collaboration between CMO goes TECH, Wiraya, Odessey, SWEDMA and DMA UK. All representing different parts of the growing martech community! #martech #martechineurope #martechsurvey2018 #survey #cmogoestech
